CareGo Health Suite wins USAID-Villgro ReachHealth Program 2022

CareGo Health Suite wins USAID-Villgro ReachHealth Program 2022

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(Photo by Villgro Philippines)
With the goal to address the unmet needs for family planning and bridge the gap in its management, CareGo Health Suite was selected as part of this year’s cohort in the USAID ReachHealth Innovation Accelerator which was locally led by Villgro Philippines.
The USAID ReachHealth Innovation Accelerator is a program that caters to innovators such as CP Health Innovations, Inc. (CareGo Health Suite) to present solutions that can address the urgency of the challenges experienced by women of reproductive age in accessing contraceptive methods.
(Photo taken during the onboarding of the startups/organizations to the ReachHealth 2022 accelerator program)
CareGo Health Suite was selected together with other recognized startups and well-established businesses in the Philippines who tackle various issues in reproductive health and maternal care, namely,, FriendlyCare, and Through the program, CareGo Health Suite has received an opportunity to further develop its value proposition and business model through regular mentoring with domain experts. This assistance has made CareGo Health Suite operationalize its research program with one of its community partners in Mindanao. Through the accelerator program, CareGo Health Suite will deploy an automated SMS sending, which will be used as a family planning tool in rural communities to remind women of their daily intake of contraceptive pills.
Apart from the US Agency for International Development, the initiative was also made possible through a partnership with RTI International, the Duke Global Health Innovation Center, and Villgro Philippines with Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.
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