CareGo partners with Lanuza RHU for USAID Family Planning Study

CareGo partners with Lanuza RHU for USAID Family Planning Study

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As part of the USAID ReachHealth Accelerator Program with Villgro Philippines, RTI International, and Duke Global Innovation Center, CareGo Health Suite partners with Lanuza Rural Health Unit, Surigao del Sur under the supervision of Municipal Health Officer, Dr. Alberto Antionio, Jr.
Dr. Albert introduces CareGo Health Suite and highlights the importance of complementing the efforts of Lanuza RHU health workers with innovation that makes their work more efficient and effective.
Troyss introduces the CareGo SMS app and explains the vision behind CareGo Health Suite for Filipino communities and health workers.
Adrian, the Lead Researcher for Public Health, orients the health workers in the objectives and methodologies of the research to be conducted. The midwives, nurses, encoders, and other health staff participated in the informed consent gathering, data collection, and practice interviews prior to the research proper.
Rean, the Lead Developer for Technical Development, introduces the CareGo SMS app and guides the encoders in a hands-on training on how to navigate the app with respect to their current workflows.
The proactive health workers of Lanuza RHU engage in discussions and provide feedback to improve the application relevant to their day-to-day activities.
The health workers take turns in our interview and consent gathering practice runs to ensure that the eligibility criteria are followed and proper interview guidelines are observed.
Certificates of participation are awarded to the health workers who joined the capacity-building sessions and who are part of the research team.
Our team learned that 30% of unintended pregnancies in developing countries like the Philippines are due to forgetfulness in adhering to their daily pill intake. In order to help solve this problem, we aim to test our SMS nudge intervention in increasing the adherence of women who use Oral Contraceptive Pills to taking their pills daily. Our objectives include measuring the effect of a simple reminder on users’ adherence and the subsequent effectiveness of the contraceptive as a result of proper use. This is in line with the goals of the USAID ReachHealth program to ideate, create, and produce sustainable and long-term solutions regarding the challenges in family planning and teen pregnancy.
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